Absolute Value Calculator

Input the value in box to evaluate the absolute value of any positive & negative integers with our absolute calculator.
How Absolute Value Calculator Works?
  1. 1. Write the positive or negative integers in the input box.
  2. 2. Press the calculate button to determine the absolute value.
LCM of
Finding LCM by Using Prime Factorization Method
Step 11
300 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 5
300 = 2 x 2
300 = 2 x 2 x 3
Step 2
300 = 22 x 3 x 52
30 = 2 x 3 x 5
Step 3
= 22 x 52 x 3
= 4 x 25 x 3
LCM(300, 30) = 300
Finding LCM by Using Division Table Method
Step 11
2 30 300
2 15 150
3 15 75
5 5 25
5 1 5
1 1
Step 2
2 * 2 * 3 * 5 * 5
Step 3
LCM = 300
Finding LCM by List of Multiplies Method
Multiples of 300: 300 600 900
Multiples of 300: 300 600 900 600 900 600 900 600 900 600 900 600 900
LCM(300,30) = 300

Absolute Calculator

Our absolute value calculator is an online tool that helps to find the absolute of any positive or negative integers quickly. It also provides the absolute value of the positive (negative) decimal point number by just clicking on the calculate button.

Absolute Value Calculator

Absolute Value Calculator evaluates the absolute value of integers and decimal numbers. The manual identification of absolute value is difficult but our absolute calculator makes it easy and simple by computing absolute value in seconds.

What is Absolute Value?

The absolute value of a number shows the distance/magnitude of a number from zero on the number line. It does not matter whether a number is positive, negative, or decimal and direction (positive or negative). 

The absolute value of a number is abbreviated as “abs-value” and is determined by applying a modulus sign on the number. The mathematical form of absolute value for any number say “x” can be denoted as: 

|x| that defined as: |x| = x, & |-x| = x

The concept of absolute value is important in mathematics and many other real-world applications. It is used to quantify many quantities (like distance, time, length, price, etc.,) in their absolute value. 

How to find Absolute Value? 

To find the absolute value see the below points for the required type of numbers.

  • For Positive Numbers: The absolute value of a positive number is the number itself. i.e., 7= 7
  • For Negative Numbers: The absolute value of a negative number is the same number without a negative sign. For instance, −5= 5, −20.5= 20.5.

Note: The absolute values results always show in non-negative numbers, except for |0|. The absolute value of “0” is only zero because it is neither positive nor negative.

Absolute Value Graph

The absolute value graph can represented by the function y = x. It is in the form of a V-shaped which is symmetrical about the y-axis with the vertex (0, 0). It’s symmetric meaning the left and right side graph lines are mirror images of each other.

The absolute values graph shows how the absolute value of a number changes by changing the number “x” in positive and negative directions. For clarification see the below graphical representation:

absolute value graph

Absolute Value Examples

Find the absolute values of the below examples.

  1. 8
  2. -8
  3. 0.989
  4. 6.67
  5. -4.57


The results of all above values are given below:

  • 8 = 8 (the number is positive then absolute value is the same).
  • −8 = 8 (the number is negative, so the abs-value is positive).
  • 0.989 = 0.989 (the number is non-negative, so the abs-value is always non-negative).
  • 6.67 = 6.67 (its abs-value itself, because the number is positive).
  • -4.57 = 4.57 (the number is negative but the abs-value is non-negative).

To verify the results use our absolute calculator.


What is the absolute value of a number?

The absolute value is the magnitude of a number without the discussion of any sign. i.e. the absolute value of “−9” is “9” and the abs-value of “7” is “7”.

Why to use absolute values?

Absolute values are used to determine the magnitude of a number or any quantity. It is important in various fields such as mathematics, physics, & engineering where the magnitude of values matters.

What type of number absolute calculator can handle?

Our absolute value calculator handles every type of number i.e., simple numbers & positive or negative decimal numbers. Just enter the number, press the button, and get the absolute value of your required number.


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