Prime Factorization Calculator

To use prime factorization calculator, enter the positive integer in input box, and hit the calculate button to find prime factors.
Without Exponents:

With Exponents:

Prime Factorization by Division Method

Divisor Quotient
How it Works?
  1. 1. Write the number (positive integer) in the input box.
  2. 2. Press calculate button to determine prime factors.

Prime Factorization Calculator

Our prime factor calculator is an online tool that finds the prime factors of any positive integer/numbers by using the factor tree method and division method. It provides the prime factor in exponent and without exponent form with comma separation by hitting on the calculate button.

What is Prime Factorization?

Prime factorization is the decomposition of any number in the multiple of factors and the product of the factors gives the original number.

It is similar to the factoring method, but this process breaks positive numbers/integers into the multiple of prime numbers as its factors. 

For example: the prime factorization of “40 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 5”. 

How to do Prime Factorization?

There are two well-known methods to perform prime factorization and find prime factors of any positive number. Their names are given below:

  • Prime factorization by factor tree method
  • Prime factorization by trial division method

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