Long Division Calculator

Enter the value of divisor & dividend in given input box and click calculate button using the Long division calculator.
How Long Division Calculator work?
  1. 1. Enter the value of divisor and dividend in given input fields.
  2. 2. Click the calculate button.
LCM of
Finding LCM by Using Prime Factorization Method
Step 11
300 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 5
300 = 2 x 2
300 = 2 x 2 x 3
Step 2
300 = 22 x 3 x 52
30 = 2 x 3 x 5
Step 3
= 22 x 52 x 3
= 4 x 25 x 3
LCM(300, 30) = 300
Finding LCM by Using Division Table Method
Step 11
2 30 300
2 15 150
3 15 75
5 5 25
5 1 5
1 1
Step 2
2 * 2 * 3 * 5 * 5
Step 3
LCM = 300
Finding LCM by List of Multiplies Method
Multiples of 300: 300 600 900
Multiples of 300: 300 600 900 600 900 600 900 600 900 600 900 600 900
LCM(300,30) = 300

Long Division Calculator

Our online Long Division calculator is used to find the results of long division using division method quickly. It also provides the solution of negative divisor (dividend) by just entering the values and single clicking on calculate button.

Long Division Calculator With Steps 

Long division calculator performs long division for any divisor and dividend. Our division calculator uses the long division method and finds values of quotient & remainder for every positive input value.

This long division method calculator gives detailed steps that help to understand how to perform long divisions.

What is Long Division?

Long division is a mathematical method to divide a larger number with smaller ones. It is a systematic method that divides any number by breaking down problems into simple steps. 

Long division method is useful when the dividend has two or more digits and simplifies the division process. This process is also called the bus stop or standard algorithm method.  

Parts of Long Division

In long division problems, we use different terms to perform long division these are known as the parts of long division. Each one has its specific name such as dividends, divisors, quotients, and remainders.

long division calculator with steps

  • Divisor: A smaller number used to divide large numbers in long-division problems is placed along the left side of the division symbol.
  • Dividend: It is a large number that is divided by a divisor and placed under the division symbol.
  • Quotient: It is the result of the division process and is placed above the division symbol.
  • Reminder: It is an excess quantity that cannot be divided more and is always smaller than the divisor.

How to do Long Division?

To perform the division manually and understand how to find the quotient and remainder by division method, then follow the long division steps that are performed in the below example.

Long Division Example

Find the quotient and remainder of “435” to divide by “7” by using the long division method.


Step 1: Adjust the divisor and dividend along the division symbol according to placement.

long division method

Step 2: Take the 1st-digit of the dividend and check it is small or large from the divisor.

long division

Since: 7 > 4, then add the next digits for division. Choose “43” instead of 4.

Step 3: Find the factor of “43, then multiply with the divisor and place the multiple under the selected number.

Multiply: 7 × 6 = 42. Write 42 below 43 and subtract:

long division steps

Step 4: Now, take the next digit and simplify by following the division rule.

The new number is “15” and it divides by multiplying the “7” with 2. 

long division method

Since, there are no more digits to bring down.

Step 5: Now, note the remainder and quotient from the division process.

remainder = 1, Quotient = 62 

To verify the result of the above long division, use our long division calculator with steps that provide accurate and quick results for every division problem.


What is the difference between long division and short division?

Both are the division process, in short division uses a multi-digit factor to divide a number by a divisor in one or two steps. While in long division breaking the division process into small steps and using the single digit factor in each step.

How to do long division with 2 Digits?

The division with two digit divisors is same as the division of a single digit that is performed in the above example but in this, the two-digit is used at the same time as divisor in every division step. However, to perform instant division using our long division method calculator.

How to do long division with Decimals?

To perform it with a decimal point, take the decimal point to the right of the number (if in the divisor). However, if it is only in the dividend, ignore it, continue the division process by long division steps, and place the decimal in the quotient. 

How to do long division with polynomials? 

In long polynomial division, divide the large polynomial with the small degree polynomial. It gives quotient, dividend, & remainder and is known as the generalized form of arithmetic long division.


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